The Professional

The Medical Doctor

Graduated as a Medical doctor at the Rome University “La Sapienza were he later specialized in Tropical Medicine “. He also obtained  a Master of Scienceat at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Developed a long experience in Developing Countries, first as a volunteer  (in Nicaragua), where he committed himself to health and social development of local rural communities, and to public health management. Later, as a Unicef  officer (in Mexico), he was in charge for Primary Health Care projects and for health and social promotion of children and women.

The Development Cooperation adviser

From 1987 to the 31st of August 2002 he was a health adviser to the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (Direzione Generale per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo) of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministero degli Affari Esteri), in charge for health and social development initiatives in cooperation with Latin America and most of Sub-Saharan Africa. During the last year in that office he was in charge.

for emergencies and humanitarian aid worldwide. During the whole period he was also in charge for the technical relations with the World Health Organization(WHO)  and in many occasions he represented Italy at international technical and scientific meetings. The challenges he faced during

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the period spent with the Italian Cooperation are described in a detailed letter (IT).

On occasion of the Italian G8 Presidency (2001), he chaired the health experts group until the month of April, when he left that task due to the reasons  described in the letter (IT)  he sent to the Prime Minister.

The Academic

Since 2020 teaches at the Master of Global Health of the University of Milano the courses “Social and economic determinants of health” and “Diplomacy, governance and policies”

Since 2015 he teaches “Social roots of health”  at the first year of the international graduate course in Medicine and Surgery of the University of Pisa.

GSDSince January 14th, 2014 teaches Management of International Institutions and NGOs at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations.

Since 2002  adjoint professor at the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” of Milan (Department for Institutional Analysis and Public Management) and Center for Research in Health and Social Care Management Research Center (CERGAS), as well as at the University’s Postgraduate Management School (SDA-Bocconi). At CERGAS he coordinated the research group on Global Health and Development. Moreover, his research and teaching activities include management of International Institutions and Non Profit Organizations and issues related to Development Cooperation. On these issues he also promotes group work with students.

Since 2001, he also teaches “Global Policies for Health” at the Bicocca University (Milan), and in the years 2009 and 2010 he was Visiting Professor for “Ethics and International Organizations” at the International Organizations MBA (IOMBA) of the Université de Genève (Geneva)

He has been a speaker at several
events and taught also in other academic and training environments. Besides development, international cooperation and health, he has been very much involved in issues related to decentralization, local development, non formal education and youth policies.

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