Author Archives: eduardomissoni

WHO and the pandemic challenge: What a hurry, but where are you going?!

As I have repeatedly emphasized, including in my most recent public speech at the event organised in Rome by the Independent Medical-Scientific Commission, the main reason for not trusting the WHO – in particular with regard to the indications for … Continue reading

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Dialogue on Scouting. Pedagogy and Organization

With Dominique Bénard, we can now proudly announce the publishing of our book of “Dialogues on Scouting”! The idea of the book was born during a hike in the Chablais Alps, near where Dominique lives in the French Alps. We … Continue reading

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Covid, moratorium on vaccination of children

More than a thousand of Italian health professionals have signed up to the moratorium promoted by the associations of the Sustainability and Health Network (RSS) – of which the association, to which I belong, is also a member – … Continue reading

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Holy Christmas 2020

Two handcrafted nativity scenes. One is made of cut out and coloured tin, from Mexico, the other is carved in wood, from Rwanda. Both crafted by children’s hands, with the flowers I picked today to adorn them. They remind us … Continue reading

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Health workers and sustainable systems for health in a post-growth society

Abstract The Agenda 2030 signed by the Heads of State and Government in 2015 set out 17 indivisible and universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. Among others the Agenda 2030 proposes to achieve “sustainable, inclusive and sustained growth” … Continue reading

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COVID-19: Universal health coverage now more than ever

With the association we are following the epidemic of Covid-19 in Italy and have published articles and viewpoints on the issue. The title of this post refers to an article that we recently published on the Journal of Global … Continue reading

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Covid-19 and the rush toward a vaccine. “Global Health Security” and the market

One of the most debated aspects in the fight against the current Covid-19 epidemics is the development of a vaccine. Through the media the public is repeatedly led to think that only the vaccine will be the solution and only … Continue reading

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Masks for all and all for the masks.

With association for social promotion, in particular the right to health, we explored in depth the issue of masks, concluding on the need for an urgent further revision of the WHO guidelines, as well as to direct research on appropriate technologies … Continue reading

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The Political Economy of Epidemics: food for thought for the current COVID-19 pandemic

In February 2018 I announced the publication of a paper on “The Political Economy of Epidemics” included in the book edited by Prof. Bernardino Fantini “Epidémies et sociétés, passé, présent et futur”. With the current COVID-19 pandemic the argument of … Continue reading

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Cooperative approaches – A new review

Dominique Bénard, possibly one of the major experts (certainly among those with the longest experience) of the scout educational method, has long devoted himself both theoretically and in practice (as a consultant to associations involved in education and youth promotion) … Continue reading

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