Jóvenes, escultismo y escritos sobre la educación no formal

Artículos y capítulos en libros

Missoni, E., Gli scout di Fidenza sulle strade del mondo, in: Ivano Sartori, Il Grande Gioco. Gli scout a Fidenza dal dopoguerra a oggi, G.Menta, Fidenza, 2003

Wolfensohn, J., Missoni, E., Filibeck, G., We Have to Put Young People First, 10 September 2004, Project Syndicate

Missoni, E., Learning for Our Future World. Scouting and Education on the Environment. UN Chronicle, Volume XLI, Number 4, 2004 (EN)

Missoni, E., Prefazione, in: AGESCI, “Scoutismo e diritti dell’infanzia e dell’adolescenza”, a cura di Vincenzo Schirripa, edizioni scout fiordaliso, Roma, 2005

Missoni, E., Preface, in: Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, “Footsteps of the Founder. The Baden-Powell Quotations Book. Centenary Edition”, compiled and edited by Mario Sica, edizioni scout fiordaliso, Roma, 2006 (EN). (IT)

Missoni, E., Preface, in: Robert Baden-Powell, “Citizens of the World. Selected writings on International Peace”, compiled, edited and with an introduction by Mario Sica, edizioni scout firodaliso, Roma, 2006 (EN)  (IT)

Missoni, E.,  Preface, in: Mario Sica, “Where il all began. Brownsea August 1907. The first experimental Scout Camp”, edizioni scout fiordaliso, Roma, 2007 (EN)  (IT)

Missoni, E., Preface, in: “One World One Promise. The Promise & Law of 500 million Scouts”, compiled by Robert Lynn Horne, Las Vegas International Scouting Museum, Las Vegas, First edition July, 2007 (second edition June, 2008)

Missoni, E., Prefazione, in: Milazzo, I. e Fizzarotti, P., Impeesa. La grande avventura di Baden Powell, Lizard edizioni, Milano, 2007

Missoni, E. Presentazione, in: Vittorio Pranzini, L’album del Centenario. Raccolta di figurine scout, Memoria&Cultura, Lugo,  2007 (IT) NOTA: L’Album del centenario è disponibile anche in inglese, spagnolo e francese.

Missoni, E., El Escultismo en el mundo: presente y futuro, in: IV Jornadas Internacionales de pedagogía scout, Barcelona, 6-9 december 2007, ASDE, 2008, pp. 25-37

Missoni, E., Values-based Organizations: an introduction, www.Indaba-network.net, post, November 2008

Missoni, E., The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the ethical framework of the United Nations, www.Indaba-network.net, post, December, 1st 2008

Missoni, E., The ethical consistence of an organisation, www.Indaba-network.net, post, December 2008 Missoni, E., Cambiare il mondo con la cioccolata, Domani – Arcoiris.tv, 5.8.2009, http://domani.arcoiris.tv/?p=1828.

Missoni, E.,  Becoming social entrepreneur or the sweetness of solidarity, Indaba Magazine, n. 2 August 2009, (EN) (FR) (IT)

Missoni, E., Morire giovani per “ragioni di mercato”, Domani – Arcoiris. tv, 2.10.2009, http://domani.arcoiris.tv/?p=2477

Missoni, E., Values-based non-formal education to grow active and responsible g-local citizens. World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations”, Bullettin 2010, pag 395-403

Missoni, E., Mille ragazzi a Bari per imparare a governare il mondo, Domani – Arcoiris.tv, 10.12.2009, http://domani.arcoiris.tv/?p=3116

Missoni, E., Young people from all over the world will gather in Bari, Italy in January 2010 to build a plan for g-local citizenship, Indaba News, posted January 16th 2010 (EN) (FR)

Missoni, E., Educazione per un mondo in cui tutti abbiano cibo. Servire 3, 2014

Missoni, E. “The donation potential of value-driven youth and non-formal education organizations: the case of the Scout Movement”. In Massaro, A. et al. (eds.): proceedings of the ESTM residential course “Learning the best ways for caring fro blood donors”, European School of Transfusion Medicine, Milano, Italy, 3-5-12-2015.


Interviste rilasciate come Segretario Generale del WOSM vai a Rassegna Stampa (2004-2007)El weBlog de La Roca del Consejo, Un Blog comunitario sobre escultismo y lobatismo – 29.12.2008 – Entrevista a Eduardo Missoni, 1ª parte: Un movimiento scout global (ES)

Eurojam 2005 – Le Interviste – Intervista a Eduardo Missoni, Eurojam a cura di Giacomo Bonometti, Miguel Angel Paludi, Alice Pino, Isabella Samà. 7.8.2005 (IT)

“Sulle tracce dell’uniforme perfetta” – Intevista di Luigi Biagi. La Nuova Brownsea. n.1/2014, pp. 3-4 (IT)

Libros y monografías

Missoni, E. (Managing editor), Youth a Force for Development. World Scouting Report 2006, World Organization of the Scout Movement, 2006  (EN) (FR)

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, World Report on Violence Against Children, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Study on Violence Against Children, Geneva, October 2006 (contribution as Secretary General of the World Organization of the Scout Movement)

Mensajes y otros escritos relacionados con el escultismo

Missoni, E., Mensaje a los Scouts del grupo de Tucapel (Temuco, Chile) en el 40 aniversario de la fundación del grupo (ES)

18th European Scout Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland, April 17-22, 2004 (speech)

Installation of Kenya President as Chief Scout, address to the President, July, 2004 (speech)

22nd Interamerican Scout Conference, San Salvador, El Salvador, August 2004 (Speech EN, ES) 12th World Scout Moot, Taiwan, August 2004 (speech EN, POR)

12th African Scout Conference, Mauritius, September 2004  (speech) 2nd Eurasian Scout Conference, Baku, Adzerbajan, September 2004 (speech)

24th Arab Regional Scout Conference, Cairo, Egypt, November 2004 (Speech) (speech opening ceremony)

21st Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Conference, Brunei, Darussalam, December 2004 (speech) World Scout Seminar on Partnership (Marrakesh + 10), Bangalore, India, February 2005 (Speech)

37th World Scout Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 2005 (Speech: EN, FR, ES, AR, RU)

IUMS – International Scout Event “Civilization-Recognition and Culture Exchange”, Jubail, Saudi Arabia, February 2006 (Speech: EN, AR)

Visit to Scout & Guide de France (National Meeting), Jambville, France, May 2006 (Speech FR) Colloque du Scoutisme Français, Paris, France, March 2007 (speech FR)

19th European Scout conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 2007 (speech: ENFR)

13th African Scout Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, September 2007 (speech) 3rd Eurasian Scout Conference, Krasnokamenka, Gurzuf, Ukraine, September 2007 (speech) Peace Day, September 2007 (Message)

22nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 2007 (speech) (closing ceremony speech) 50th JOTA / 11th JOTI, October 2007 (message)

25th Arab Regional Conference, Cairo, Egypt, November 2007 (speech) (opening ceremony speech)

1st World Scientific Scout Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, November 2007 (speech)

Open Letter to National Scout Organizations, Partners and Friends of Scouting, 4.12.2007 (EN)

Carta abierta a las Organizaciones Scouts Naciones, Socios y Amigos del Movimiento Scout, 4.12.2007 (ES)

Lettre ouvert aux Organisations Scoutes Nationales, aux partenaires et amis du Scoutisme, 4.12.2007 (FR)

Lettera aperta alle Organizzazioni Scout Nazionali, Partners e amici dello scoutismo, 4.12.2007 (IT)

Messaggio alle sorelle e fratelli Scout di Solarino nel 50mo anniversario del gruppo e dell’inizio dello scoutismonella loro città, Ginevra, 23.4.2008 (written message IT)

Mensaje a scouts argentinos en ocasión del centenario de la llegada de B.-P. a Buenos Aires, Geneva 7.12.2008 (written message ES)

Missoni, E. In ricordo di Nina Kaucisvili, Percorsi, n. 47 Febbraio 2010 /XVII (letter IT)

Missoni, E. JOTA-JOTI –  desde Ginebra en conexión con los Scouts de Peru, 16.10.20010 (speech ES) (EN)

Missoni, E., Scautismo e trasformazione sociale. Un Movimento non “solo” un’organizzazione. Atti del Convegno “La pedagogia attiva dello scautismo nella società contemporanea per la formazione del Buon Cittadino”, Sicilia cento anni di scautismo, Messina, 11.11.2010

Missoni, E. “L’esigenza nel mondo aziendale di avere persone che hanno sviluppato delle doti di leadership. L’esperienza del WOSM (World Organization Scout Movement) e della SDA (Scuola di Direzione Aziendale) Bocconi, riguardante la formazione alla leadership”. In Atti del Convegno «Scautismo e formazione alla leadership», Centro studi AGESCI Sicilia, Giarre (CT), 19.2.2012, SiciliaScout, 1.5.2012

“Scautismo è camminare insieme e superamento di tutte le diversità.” In Atti del Seminario “L’Educazione Scout dinanzi alla sfida della Multiculturalità”. AGESCI, Regione Sicilia, Canicattì 31.1.2015

Pedro Henrique Aparício e Eduardo Missoni “O sistema de patrulhas em tempos de COVID-19”, 10.04.2021

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